April 30, 2003

Depressed at the End

Am I the only person who gets all depressive and stuff at the end of the semester? Even though I'm not going anywheres, a lot of my friends are and several (including Cowboy) aren't coming back. That, and I just can't seem to get enough motivation up to do anything
productive like packing up to move.

Things I still have to do before the end of the week:
1) Pack everything
2) Take down my loft
3) Deal with summer paperwork
4) Hnrs. Student Vision Statement crap... more to come as I remember that I need to do it.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 02:41 AM

April 28, 2003

Chapel Makeups Suck

The Cynic Will Exact Vengeance Upon: Chapel Makeups

Sadly, there will be no more Go or No Go for Chapel section until next semester. Can you just hear the sadness as I say that?

On the truly annoying side, I still have 12 chapel makeups to do between now and Thursday... but it's all good because they just have to be enough quality to get them to count. I just wish that we didn't have to go to so many damned chapels and that the quality of chapels was a bit better. There's also the little bit of envy towards places like where my mom went to college where you just pay a fine to skip chapel. Someone just fine me a dollar for every chapel short of 38 I am. Hell, make it $5, I'd still rather skip the chapels than suffer through that.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 04:49 AM

"Oh the Places You'll Go!"

"Oh the places you'll go, oh the people you'll meet..." - Dr Seuss

Last night a group of friends and I went to the Waffle Shoppes, as we frequently do on Saturday nights. Because we were dragging the graduating Flooders along as the last time we'll get to do that with the two of them, we went at 1am -- bit earlier than the 3 am or so that we usually go at. Breakfast was good as it usually is, albeit with a slightly incompetent and retarded waitress... at least until one of the most interesting drunks I ever had the displeasure of meeting showed up.

It was right about 2:30 and all sorts of people were showing up as the bars let out. Right as we were about to leave, a quasi-attractive wench tottered up on the arm of an old guy with a grand total of three teeth... three blackened teeth. And then she started talking, and any doubts as to her inebriation vanished. Her ice-breaker of "Are you guys heterosexual?" managed to amuse us all, along with increasing the blood alcohol level of anyone unfortunate enough to get a whiff of her breath. The conversation continued mostly as a series of noncommital grunts on our part and ineffectual, terse efforts aimed at getting her to go away.

For her part, she held up her end of the discussion something like this, holding to the solid rule of drunken conversation that when you doubt if you're making sense, add copious profanity to clear things up ( I couldn't do her language justice, so I'll just try and sum things up as best as I can recall them):
"Are you sure you're not gay? You guys are gay. I hate straight men.
You over there? Who are you?
Are you a Yankee? You're not from Florida, we like them here.
And you? What's the matter with you and your arrogant face?"

At this point, while I was becoming amused at her drunken antics, other members of our group were geting uneasy. Thusly, someone decided that it was time that we adjourn as she declared that she'd "scared us off." While I was sorely tempted to mess with the drunk some more, I consented to my friends' insistance that leaving would be a decent idea and departed, musing all the way home that Longview seems to drag out the most interesting types...

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 04:36 AM

Solid Advice from PVP

Here's an interesting comic that a friend of mine pointed me towards... Sounds like good solid advice to me... provided by the good people at PVP

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 03:38 AM

April 24, 2003

On Kids...

Here's a good one for people who feel the same way about kids as Lisl...

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 06:13 AM

April 23, 2003

Sexual Harassment

The Cynic Will Exact Vengeance Upon: People Who See Sexual Harassment Under Every Rock

Here's a comict that pretty well sums up how I feel about 99% of sexual harassment claims.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 12:17 PM

April 22, 2003

The World Beyond...

I finally got out from under my monstrousity of work today. This will mark roughly a month since I crawled all of the various blogs out there. And boy is it interesting...

First off, I'd like to give a belated welcome to Randy... a fellow Honors cohort. His blog is good stuff, and it's obviously a plus that he links to S*P.

After reading up on Shem's blog and keeping up with the whole "Voice of Student Body" aka Local Village Idiot, all I have to say is that people are retarded. And if you go spamming someone's blog and then go post under your real name on a board where he admins, you ought to avoid using the same computer with the same IP... jackass.

Next, we have the wannabe computer wench... who has apparently decided that I am on the list with evil incarnate. That's fine by me, but apparently she also objects to my prosletyzing the younger honors students and is plotting my death. So I think we're directing pipe bombs to CPO #357 along with letters laced with anthrax powder and money infected with SARS. Anything beneficial should just be delivered to me in person. Incidentally, I think she's getting relocated to the Angsty Links after the past couple weeks' displays.

Apparently Dunny is coming up when people are looking for "Got SARS?" shirts and naked Belgians. Or something... And Squeech is reporting weird news and linking rants on the RIAA. And something about injecting your eye. Tom's living the good life now that he's out of school and is bragging about getting to watch hockey and poker championships whilst sipping a cold beer. I'm figuring that might just be the life... and I think a buddy of mine would agree. And to top it off, Stu's figured out that LU wenches are evil.

And I think that's about all that's going on with the blogs I have linked...

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 12:50 PM

Underage Pick-up Spot

In the vein of C-4's unending obsession with 16-year-old girls who are of the age of consent in the screwed up state of Oklahoma where he is from, he's asked me to further his obsession by drawing other readers in. This is apparently where one goes online to pick up wenches from C-4's home town of Lawton, OK.

Screwed up...

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 11:45 AM

On Google Search...

Incidentally, I finally no longer show up on a search for my name anywhere NEAR the top... and it feels good. Working my way up the Google rankings to the 4th page of Cynics. If I made the first page on a search for cynics, that would make my day.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 02:53 AM

Walking out of I&M

Guess who walked out of I&M lecture with me today? Right in the middle of another one of Anazia's pointless and rambling lectures, we stood up and left other fools to sit in the class and wish they could walk out with us.

Oh, and the 20 Questions site that Stu pointed me to has been a source of endless amusement...

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 01:34 AM

April 21, 2003

On Awards Chapel...

Go or No Go for Monday Chapel, which is: Awards Chapel

Awards is cool if you know someone and is cool if you're gonna get an award. But unless you're going to get recognized or support a friend, or unless you seriously need chapel credits... it's a No Go!

(went to Academic Chapel and was the only one who seemed to like it... sorry 'bout that. Chapel List still has me at 26; better check on that.)

Current Chapel Count: 26 out of 38

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 02:37 AM

Blogging Saved Him...

You want a crazy story about a guy whose blogging saved his from trouble? Try the New Girl story. Incidentally, AccordionGuy runs a pretty cool blog.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 02:33 AM

April 20, 2003

On First Impressions...

The Cynic Will Exact Vengeance Upon: Critics of First Impressions

You know how when you meet someone and you just see them, your brain tells you things about them? Often-times it's something like "there's a disagreeable moron" or "watch out for her, there's trouble," and because you've been conditioned that there's more to someone than looks, you reserve judgement until you get to know them. And sometimes the conditioning is right and they really weren't anything like the moron they looked and your judgement was bad.

But more often than not, my first impressions have been dead-on lately and I've had to apologize to my subconscious because he was right. That creepy-looking guy really was an ignorant wretch, and every conversation I've had with him since has confirmed that he was every bit as arrogant and as wrong as my brain told me. Same goes for the wench who I knew would be bad news... the brain was reeling on that one and I ignored it. At least the first time I did myself the service of being right.

Then again, I'm a bit twisted and my subconscious has had a good bit of unconventional fine-tuning. For instance, I figued Shem would be a good friend and a personable guy from the moment I laid eyes on him... even with his three earrings and bleached hair. Same goes for Wilson... my brain just told me that I'd stumbled upon a kindred soul and it turns out that the ol' hamster that resides in my skull made a good call. That's not to say that I haven't been wrong with a couple of calls... but far more often than not (especially since I've gotten to college) I've been generally right and even dead-on a spooky number of times.

So all that to say is: don't judge a person at first glance and never bother to meet them, but be wary of casting aside a first impression if you know that you've been in a habit of making good insights about people. God gave us the subconscious for a reason and while it isn't perfect, it would be foolish not to at least pay attention to it.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 02:53 AM

April 16, 2003

Academic Chapel

Go or No Go for Wednesday Chapel, which is: Academic Chapel

I'm in the School of Arts and Sciences. I think we've got a special speaker tomorrow, and word has it that he's pretty cool... and I think that I'll be awak and coherant. I'm thinking it's time to try and go run down the makeups to single-digit numbers... I'm gonna Go

(skipped Leadership Chapel and slept... made me happy...)

Current Chapel Count: 26 out of 38

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 01:53 AM

April 15, 2003

Historiography Paper is Done!

The paper is done, so that means that my biggest assignment of the semester is in the bag. And on that note, I'm going to go sleep for 12 hours and mock Wilson, who cannot due to a lot of work he needs to get done.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 01:23 AM

April 13, 2003

Paper in Progress...

Gonna be working on my Historiography paper probably right up until class tomorrow... so don't expect to see much of me until then.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 11:12 AM

Leadership Chapel

Go or No Go for Monday Chapel, which is: Leadership Chapel

Probably Brent Ellis from the CDCL. He rarely has much good to say, but his illustrations are often amusing. Doesn't sound like a worthwhile tradeoff or a valuable use of my time... I'm thinking No Go tomorrow.

(I was up all night Thursday night typing the Genre Report for Hummel and thusly missed Buchanan. Pisses me off...)

Current Chapel Count: 26 out of 38

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 11:10 AM

April 12, 2003

Section 5.2.2

Incidentally, this evening we found the 10-minute rule officially printed in a LU Policy document. Talk to me in person for more details or see section 5.2.2 of the Faculty-Staff Handbook.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 05:17 AM

April Edge Dinner

The Cynic Will Exact Vengeance Upon: Admissions and other Administrators

So I sat down to my nasty dinner of sorry macaroni and cheese and a half-way passable barbeque sandwich. It sucked and the macaroni was disgusting, but such is the state of many Friday meals at Saga, so I learn to not get my hopes up. I noticed a "Team 1" sign at my table and that Stu and Jeanette had sat down with a bunch of the Previewers or Edgers or whatever they're called, but I thought nothing of it.

Enter Admissions Nazi 1: "We're kinda using these tables for our admissions activities, you're going to need to move in like 15 minutes. I'm sorry if I'm being a bit of a jerk, but that's my job tonight" She was pretty nice about it, so I told her that I would move when I was done and was fairly nice in return.

Enter Admissions Nazi 2: "I think we're going to need these tables if we don't have enough space for the Edgers." She then asks Stu who tells her that things will be fine. She too was pretty nice about it, so I told her that I would move when I was done and was fairly nice in return.

Enter Admissions Nazi 3: "I need you to move now. Can't you see that these tables are reserved for April Edge?" "I'll move when I'm done; I'll be gone in 5 minutes." "We'll be starting soon, you need to move now." It's times like these when I wish Toad wasn't sitting next to me to make me behave and that I was more of an ass than I am. I let her go with a smartass remark about not being able to eat at my own cafeteria... I should have told her where to get off and that if I'm going to pay however much room and board that I will sit wherever the hell I feel like sitting.

The fact of the matter is that admissions doesn't give two shits about my life as long as I don't tell their previewers too much of the dark truth and stay out of their nice happy photos. I'm wondering when it was that I stopped being a real asshole to this kind of moron and why I don't start again. Conclusion is that I need to start again because there's no good excuse for running me out of my table and being rude about it. Give me respect and I'll give you the same. Walk up to me and try to treat me like I'm some sort of pre-schooler who should listen to you because you've got a LeTourneau University shirt on and you're liable to get a "fuck you and have a nice day." I've about had it with this presumption that students can be treated however by employees of the school. This applies more to administrative people than faculty or other staff. Sadly enough, the people who don't make policy or decisions are the only people that usually treat students as they should. The "empowered people" appear to be empowered to be callous, uncaring assholes.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 05:15 AM

Things I Want A Beating for Doing

The Infamous "Things I Want a Beating for Doing" List... reposted to the top of the blog

I will be updating the list here from now on... at least until it moves to the bottom of the page and needs to be dragged back up again.

1) Become a vegetarian.
2) Start worshipping animals.
3) Eat a tofu burger.
4) Go out with a girl that a good friend of mine is interested in behind his back.
5) Hit a girl when (when my life isn't being theatened by said girl.)
6) Buy an Apple computer.
7) Change how I look for a wench.
8) Sell out my morals for a wench.
9) Stop referring to wenches as wenches.
10) Refer to a Business Major as a "tough degree"
11) Stop being cynical.
12) Start espousing feminism.
13) Refer to the MRS degree (the other EE) as anything other than MRS
14) Stay at LU as long/longer than
15) Turn into a "Happy Person"
16) Hand a weapon over to a wench.
17) Commit to do an undisclosed favor ("Can you do me a favor?")
18) Commit to something I don't know anything about.
19) Become a member of another worthless committee or organization.
20) Run from the cops when I get pulled over.
21) Join the Peace Corps
22) Ask for advice and then ignore it
23) Break up with someone in a letter
24) Tell a friend goodbye in a letter/email/phone call
25) Arm a wench (militarily or otherwise)
26) Give obnoxious morning greetings
27) Sing in Saga (a la Didlake)
28) Work as an Admissions Nazi
29) Become Themelios
30) Treat people under me as inferior
31) Become an ignoramus who abuses people to further my ego.
32) Turn into Dr. Batts
33) Stop asking anyone for advice except those whom I know will agree with me
34) Join a cult
35) Stop being a Chauvinist
36) Stop being a 2nd amendment activist
37) Join Green Peace
38) Start a labor union

more to come as I remember them or they come to me...

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 05:02 AM

April 10, 2003

Jews for Jesus

Go or No Go for Special chapel, which is: Jews for Jesus

This sounds like it should be pretty cool. 11 o'clock tomorrow... I think this merits my giving it a thumbs-up, especially if you're running low on chapel creds... I'd Go

(incidentally, I apologize for the bad information for Wednesday Chapel... apparently Dr. Hummel was speaking and I would have gone to that. Damn them and their toying with the damned chapel schedule)

Current Chapel Count: 26 out of 38

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 12:44 PM

The Peace Corps?

The Cynic Will Exact Vengeance Upon: People Who Ask for Advice and Ignore it

Since when do I give advice? I try to avoid it... because then when people take it and it backfires, I'm to blame. You'll rarely find my giving advice short of what road to turn on to get where we're going. I really prefer not to incriminate

So when I end up giving advice, I do it only under a great deal of duress. If someone wants my advice, they're going to have to pester me about it... especially if the situation is highly volatile. And as can be expected, when I give this advice, it had better at least be considered. And if I'm going to the effort of giving it and you don't like it, tell me about it. After all, you've spent all of the time talking me into giving advice, I'd at least like to know why I'm wrong.

So when you tell me that you're having problems and ignore my advice and join the Peace Corps instead, that tends to piss me off. Especially if all I get is a freaking postcard to tell me what ended up happening.

I'm going to kick someone's ass when they get home... and she knows who she is. I might have to break my rules on hitting women, but this is a valid exception. Either that or I'll have someone else do it for me...

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 12:39 PM

Greg Buchanan - Harpist Dude

Go or No Go for Friday Chapel, which is: Greg Buchanan (Harp Dude)

This guy is the man. While he hasn't been in the habit of doing anything new since he's been playing here, I'd still go just because he's so good. His message and music are good and he's worth it, even if you already have the chapel credit. So you should get out and Go

(didn't make it to chapel for Jews for Jesus as one could probably tell from the 6:45 AM timestamp on that post... just couldn't get myself out of bed)

Current Chapel Count: 26 out of 38

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 07:49 AM

Summer Pie Auction...

Incidentally, I'm shelling out something in the neighborhood of $300 today on pies I bought last week. If anyone feels so led to help subsidize this (I'm looking particularly at some of you Bandits who ate some of said pie... especially those who expressed interest in donating money beforehand) that would be nice. I can afford to front this if nobody chips in, but I really would rather not have spent that. Unfortunately, I ended up with a $200 cheese cake in one of my attempts at getting 3B to spend more money. Ah well, it went to a good cause and it was good food. Don't get me wrong, this won't kill me if I spend it (and I suspect that I won't get more than $20, which is fine by me)... I just have this feeling of wanting the people who were involved in the eating to realize the costs and spend some of their own money to further summer missions.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 05:51 AM

April 09, 2003

Chaplain Carl

Go or No Go for Chapel, which is: Dr. Harold Carl

He's had some good ones... and a fair number of bad ones. If you like his style, that's great. I don't happen to particularly... but I kinda need some chapel credit to reduce the number of makeups.

Meh... I can't say I'd really fall one way or the other but my gut instinct is No Go

Current Chapel Count: 26 out of 38

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 04:04 AM

April 08, 2003

The Original List

The Cynic Will Exact Vengeance Upon: Worthless Idiots

In that vein: here are some idiotic things that I've thought up in the past week. If I ever do any of these, I want my ass kicked.

1) Become a vegetarian.
2) Start worshipping animals.
3) Eat a tofu burger.
4) Go out with a girl that a good friend of mine is interested in behind his back.
5) Hit a girl when (when my life isn't being theatened by said girl.)
6) Buy an Apple computer.
7) Change how I look for a wench.
8) Sell out my morals for a wench.
9) Stop referring to wenches as wenches.
10) Refer to a Business Major as a "tough degree"
11) Stop being cynical.
12) Start espousing feminism.
13) Refer to the MRS degree (the other EE) as anything other than MRS
14) Stay at LU as long/longer than Lurch.
15) Turn into a "Happy Person"
16) Hand a weapon over to a woman.
17) Commit to do an undisclosed favor ("Can you do me a favor?")
18) Commit to something I don't know anything about.
19) Become a member of another worthless committee or organization.
20) Run from the cops when I get pulled over.
21) Join the Peace Corps
22) Ask for advice and then ignore it
23) Break up with someone in a letter
24) Tell a friend goodbye in a letter/email/phone call
25) Arm a wench

more to come as I remember them or they come to me...

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 02:26 AM

My Thoughts on Life

I think this comic pretty much sums up my thoughts on life.

Comic Provided by: Something Positive

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 02:18 AM

Something Positive!

I didn't go to chapel today, I kinda wish I would have... except that I really needed sleep.

I stayed up all night reading Something Positive... note: this comic could really warp and scar you. Don't read unless you think you can take it. If I've ever referred to you as a happy person, DON'T READ IT!

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 02:11 AM

April 03, 2003

Christian Bluegrass?

Go or No Go for Chapel, which is: East Mountain Bluegrass Gospel Band

Do you like Bluegrass? Having lived next to the Bluegrass State for a number of years and after having suffered too much exposure to the stuff myself, I can safely say I don't. Much less Bluegrass Gospel. Christian Redneck?!? Can you say No Go

Current Chapel Count: 26 out of 38

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 04:47 AM

Journals are Effort and Thus, Suck

The Cynic Will Exact Vengeance Upon: Effort

I hate doing lots of work. It's a pain and I don't like it. You will often hear me say something to the effect of, "that sounds like effort, and you know how I feel about that."

Anyways, I have 18 Biblical Literature Journals due tomorrow, a 10 page paper due a week from Monday, and various tests and quizzes over the next month, including one tomorrow. Come to think of it... the entire month of April just generally sucks at LU. Between tests, quizzes, papers and studying for finals, there just isn't any time. Which sucks considering that you're not going to be seeing most of the people you're around until the end of the summer, if then.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 04:42 AM

Staying Put...

To stay for the summer or not?

On one hand I get cheaper classes, a job at IT (which looks decent on the resume) and a stay in Texas. On the other I get to go home and deal with my family, probably find a sucky job (which will probably pay better) and get to see a lot of my friends in the 'Nati. Oh, did I mention that I also get to deal with my parents who did me the wonderful favor of splitting up a year ago? Yeah... I'm thinking that I'll take the pay cut and stay down here. If you too are staying the summer, give me a heads-up or leave a response.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 01:34 AM

April 02, 2003


The Cynic Will Exact Vengeance Upon: The Registrar

What if you had a job that required you to do real work less than 20% of the school year? What if you really didn't even have to help the people whom it's your job to help during that 20% of the time because you could just be an idiot and make them do most of the work for you? Why, you'd be in the office of the LeTourneau Registrar.

Why can't someone get transfer documents from the registrar without legal threats? How about a transcript or financial aid info transferred to another school? Is there any good reason why when we don't use a "LeTourneau Sanctioned Form" to select courses or forget one of the 2 unique id codes for a class, they return it to us? Can they not do a little bit of work for us or cross-reference one code from the other? Has anyone ever wondered why we have to take our course registration forms to the room registration after the registrar processes them? Wouldn't it just be easier for the registrar to publish a list of people who have already registered for classes and payed the deposit and give it to the RD's on room registration days? The examples of laziness roll on...

And why can't they just hold on to your course registration form and send you a note in your CPO telling you to submit your $100 deposit when you forget? Instead you have to resubmit the registration form after tearing off the stupid piece of paper that they staple unto it and highlight. Again, an example of the registrar being lazy. It's a shame when your job only requires real effort 20% of the time and it's a bigger shame when you're not even willing to go the distance when the effort is required.

Way to go Registrar and Company.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at 02:12 AM