7 July 2004 - Wednesday

My opponents are big, fat idiots

Siris has an interesting post on the possibility of a theory of political taste.

One of the neat things about a theory of political taste is that it would be eminently practical: a theory of political taste would be a theory about the basics of how to make reasoning about political matters, both private and public, more consistent, accurate, and useful. It would also give people something whereby they might engage in self-critique, improving the basis of their judgments (one of the problems with political reasoning as it stands is that everyone thinks they have good sense and their opponents don't; this is conducive to bad taste). It would also raise the political discussion to the right level.
Unfortunately, this post does not address the most important question it raises: could our economy absorb that many unemployed pundits?

| Posted by Wilson at 21:38 Central | TrackBack
| Report submitted to the Power Desk

"Unfortunately, this post does not address the most important question it raises: could our economy absorb that many unemployed pundits?"
Zing! :) Although I'm not sure we haven't absorbed that many already....

The thoughts of Brandon on 8 July 2004 - 16:49 Central
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