29 June 2005 - Wednesday

In which Wilson and Wheeler annotate their lives by IM

Poor Wheeler. He has to take a class on the Cold War this summer. A class populated by people with ... interesting perspectives on international affairs.

In the following transcript, we begin by discussing the views of a particular class member, as expressed on an online message board specific to that course.

Yours truly: So ... Eisenhower could have prevented Indochina's independence from France by nuking it?

Wheeler: Yeah . . . kinda.

Wheeler: *nods*

Yours truly: I'm sure the French would have liked that.

Wheeler: although I took this as more of a Johnson administration action, from other things he's said

Yours truly: Ah. So he's just being a moron again.

Wheeler: like, at that point, nuke them rather then send in more troops

Wheeler: Yeah. Again.

Wheeler: BUT

Wheeler: THIS post, by someone else, get's dumbest of the week . . . and it was posts like this (a couple dozen of them) that got me REALLY in the mood to start sniping:

Wheeler: "It may not sound like much, but we won a stalemate that maintained the freedom of the South. I checked some travel sites, it's fairly easy to visit there. They refer to Vietnam, not North or South. You can visit Ho Chi Mihn or Hanoi in the North as easily as Saigon and the Mekong Delta in the South. It's almost as if we won simply by ignoring them for twenty years."

Yours truly: *Giggles*

Yours truly: It's Asia; it's all the same thing.

Wheeler: *screams incoherently*

| Posted by Wilson at 23:07 Central | TrackBack
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