April 13, 2005

I'm so happy ...

I have spent just under five hours on my Linear Algebra homework, and I have (I hope) just finished it. Thankfully, we were only given six problems, or it would have taken much longer. And it was easy, as I'm sure Moore and Gallagher would be willing to confirm. The reason it took five hours was that I did it in LaTeX - which I'm still in the process of learning. I'm sure I'll go faster once I'm more familiar with the language, but it does seem like an extraordinary amount of effort for a paltry reward.

However, unlike Cynic, I am not constitutionally averse to effort. I did this mostly because I wanted to, in a quirky way. I don't mind working very hard to fulfill a personal quirk. So, if any of you want to see what LaTeX can do with my Linear Algebra homework, I invite you to take a look at this.

I'm satisfied with myself, which is a rare feeling, these days.

Posted by Leatherwood on April 13, 2005 at 09:01 PM