3 November 2004 - Wednesday


The weather is beautiful again. Two days of light rain ushered in a week of cool breezes. The sky was overcast today but should be clear tomorrow, although I have nothing against clouds. Fall temperatures are finally here. This evening, I wore my beloved black gloves for the first time in months.

I decided yesterday, on a lark, to put on black this morning no matter who won the presidential election. I have no reason to think that anyone caught onto the joke, but for some reason I found it amusing. My gentle protest against the muckery of the election season did little to render me more receptive to the politicobabble I heard from all corners. People around here are often ignorant, but the fact that 4 out of 5 agree on every political issue makes the situation far less healthy than it might be otherwise. (I suspect that the buffoonish crowing of the red-staters here is nothing to the jeremiads I would be hearing at an anti-Bush school, though). The blogosphere, by the way, is still virtually unreadable.

Here's how my school day progressed. I woke up twenty minutes before a PE exam, rushed to the classroom, "studied" for five minutes, and made a perfect score. Then I went to Organizational Behavior, which I found highly irritating for no discernible reason. Then I went to Intro to Philosophy, where I spoke up in defense of ethical egoism -- not because I hold to ethical egoism, but because I hate letting gross caricatures go uncorrected, and nobody else was going to stop the clubbing of this poor ideological baby seal. In the afternoon I took a nap in front of an open window; that made the world seem nice and friendly again.

| Posted by Wilson at 23:59 Central | TrackBack
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"Then I went to Intro to Philosophy, where I spoke up in defense of ethical egoism -- not because I hold to ethical egoism, but because I hate letting gross caricatures go uncorrected, and nobody else was going to stop the clubbing of this poor ideological baby seal."

Are you sure you're not really a philosophy major in disguise?

The thoughts of Brandon on 4 November 2004 - 2:11 Central
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This is your writing that I don't get enough of! Descriptions of life.

The thoughts of Julie on 11 November 2004 - 20:22 Central
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