20 October 2004 - Wednesday

I'm the Ayatollah, and I approved this message

I am amused. The AP reports that the head of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Hasan Rowhani, has endorsed George W. Bush for president.

"We haven't seen anything good from Democrats," Rowhani told state-run television in remarks that, for the first time in recent decades, saw Iran openly supporting one U.S. presidential candidate over another.

. . .

Iranian political analyst Mohsen Mofidi said ousting the Taliban and Saddam was the "biggest service any administration could have done for Iran."

And Bush, he said, has learned from his mistakes.

"The experience of two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the responsibility Bush had, will make it a very remote possibility for him to risk attacking a much bigger and more powerful country like Iran," he said.

Mofidi added that "Democrats usually insist on human rights and they will have more excuses to pressure Iran."

| Posted by Wilson at 8:54 Central | TrackBack
| Report submitted to the Power Desk

I am pleased.

Of course, if he supported Kerry we'd hear . . . Well, you know what we'd hear.

And since he supports Bush, we'll have to put up with listening to . . . Well, you know what they'll say.

The thoughts of Blame Jared on 20 October 2004 - 13:49 Central
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That makes for all sorts of thoughts....

Should we worry about Iran supporting one president over the other?

and that whole "attacking Iran" thing...

The thoughts of banana on 22 October 2004 - 0:59 Central
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It is my humble opinion that Iran endorsed Bush because they DON'T want him elected.

The thoughts of maman d'Ardith on 25 October 2004 - 11:35 Central
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Hmm... not sure how I should take his comments on that one....

The thoughts of Mathen Nors on 28 October 2004 - 14:44 Central
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