31 August 2004 - Tuesday

Once more into the fray

Sorry for the operational pause. As it turns out, real life can be fun. After the Iraqification of the blogosphere, even cafeteria lines look interesting.

I have squeezed my life through the doorway of a new apartment; I am now letting myself expand to fill this strange container, like an octopus entering a cave. I believe I finally started feeling at home the night I attacked the bathroom with a can of Scrubbing Bubbles. I had heard rumors that cleaning can be therapeutic; I now believe them.

Voter registration has gone swimmingly. So far, I have personally registered 14 people to vote in this county; provided registration forms, directly or indirectly, to at least 25 more; and given out information on questions such as absentee voting to at least 45 others.

And classes began today. After careful evaluation of the three courses I have had so far, I am not doing any somersaults of exuberance. I am not crying out in pain yet either, though. That probably comes tomorrow morning. Here are today's reviews:

19th Century Europe (a.k.a. War and Revolution): There are far too many engineering majors in this course. Technical students should not be the majority in senior-level history classes. It ain't natural. The textbooks look good, though.

Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament: Yeah, as everybody always knew, it's going to be difficult to do this in a one-hour seminar. It looks as if Dr. Hood wants this to be the lab portion of a nonexistent larger course. The mix of students is really promising, though; this one's going to be a lot of fun.

Christology: Tonight, this course moved at about three-fourths of the speed necessary to keep me awake. The content looks good and intricate enough, but I may need to find a particularly potent doodling style. This is one class I won't be able to sleep through.

| Posted by Wilson at 23:27 Central | TrackBack
| Report submitted to the Life Desk

Greek Manuscripts sounds very interesting. This is a totally new course by Dr. Hood?

The thoughts of eliot on 1 September 2004 - 9:27 Central
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New, and specific to the honors program. It's one of the little one-hour honors seminars that don't really count for anything except credit toward the honors degree. (I didn't design the honors program here; I just take advantage of it.)

The thoughts of Wilson on 1 September 2004 - 12:05 Central
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Who teaches Christology? Farrel is retired, right?

The thoughts of Tom on 2 September 2004 - 22:31 Central
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It's another honors course, taught by Dr. (Chaplain) Carl.

The thoughts of Wilson on 2 September 2004 - 23:25 Central
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