13 July 2004 - Tuesday

Local television news

I hate it.

This evening I was subjected to two glaring solecisms within the first five minutes of a newscast.

First, I was told that an attempted assault occured today in Austin. The at-large "suspect" is described as 5'7" tall, etc. What infectious cretinism impels today's journalists to apply the term "suspect" to every anonymous criminal? The concept is not at all difficult. One who commits a crime is a criminal; one who is suspected of committing a crime is a suspect. One would never call up the police to say, "Help! A suspect just tried to rob me!" Unless one were a local news employee. Or an idiot.

Second, I heard a brief story about the proposed federal marriage amendment. The local angle to the story was an opposition protest at the state capitol here. Our anchorbeing finished the report by saying that "gay rights groups call the amendment illegal." Since when can a provision of the Constitution of the United States be illegal? Perhaps our intrepid reporter misheard the demonstrators, or perhaps some of the demonstrators really did say such a thing. Either way, I am sure that the demonstrators had other things to say that were not quite as absurd. If they did not, the journalist should have laughed at them and wandered off to report on gasoline prices.

| Posted by Wilson at 22:37 Central | TrackBack
| Report submitted to the Communications Desk

We rarely get the news, but the last time we did, we had to laugh at the top story of the night about the horror of the neighborhood. Someone had killed a kitten. News was slow that night.

The thoughts of Julie on 13 July 2004 - 23:26 Central
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I wonder what leads you to be surprised by the inanity of the media. No one would sell lithium to a goldfish. Sense doesn't sell to the public either.

The thoughts of Ziggy on 14 July 2004 - 14:15 Central
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