February 11, 2004

Moore Clear Thoughts

"We don't care what you blog, as long as you blog your way out of a wet paper bag." - Jared Wheeler

Clearly I can and will blog my way out of many wet paper bags. For instance, if a paper bag had food in it, I would gladly blog it. Thus Wheeler is proven for the squeezy Guatemalan he is.


In other news, said Guatemalan claims he only sleeps 2-8 hours per day in the library. Apparently the other 3 hours are spent in class. Clearly, he is a fuzzy, squeezy, liberal arts major. Clearly.

What else? Clearly the library should get all six of its laptops working. Currently two are down. Clearly IT is to blame. Clearly, Scholl is to blame. Clearly.

Having disposed of my gripes, it is clearly time to continue MIPS-ing my way to glory. Oh, and the library needs to lift its ban on food and drinks.

Posted by Moore at February 11, 2004 10:18 PM