December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!

We have been having a delightful and entertaining/interesting time here in abnormally warm L.C. I'll have to take time to sit and post about the sick niece who threw up on me, or sliding down the the car, and things like that. I've been getting lots of reading time in too and a little bit of time in the hot tub since Josh and I switched from staying with my parents to a place that they manage---the mattress was causing sleeplessness. (My dad has just bought a new memory foam pad for it after the second complaint of a child about the mattress. that's my dad....) Anyways. I've had fun taking lots of pictures and playing with kids, as well as reliving moments with siblings. It's amazing how well----oh, wait, we still have more day to get through :-)

Anyways. That's the teaser. Really, I'll try and get more up soon.

God bless us everyone!

Posted by Anna at December 24, 2005 11:06 PM | TrackBack