July 10, 2004

Everythings Changin'..

Wow. Two phone calls in the last two days from people and everything in my family is changing quickly.

First, my parents called me on Thursday about the house here in Longview. Someone had sent them pictures and apparently it was in bad shape. My mom wanted some info on someone who is interested in buying. I also told her I'd go out myself and check it out in person, so after dinner, our mini-crew traveled over. First impressions were bad just because the yard was grown over with grass. But that's to be expected. I get out of the car and go around to the back thinking surely the door would be locked from the carport. It wasn't anyways but I walk into the house and it has a bad musty plus something else smell and there's a couch and a few scattered things in the living room. THere's also junk on the porch. I let the others in and I continue walking through the house. It gets worse and worse. The strangest things are missing--light switch covers, stove nobs. Most if not all fixtures are going to have to be replaced. A lot of the trim needs to be replaced. Many doors will need to be replaced. They didn't even flush the toilet when they left. One door frame has nails an inch apart all the way around. So I go out to the shop to see what's up in there. More junk. Bags of it. More furniture. I've seen enough furniture so far to outfit two college student apartments practically. I didn't dare venture into the back yard with more overgrown grass because I was only in shorts and flip flops. So my parents are going to sell the house, but first they are working with are rent manager person to see what can be done legally. My dad will have to come down in the fall sometime. I proposed going to clean up some, but they suspect a mold issue. They're getting the locks changed and more pictures taken.

On top of my parents selling the house, I find out that the place that they are living in now has been sold and they're not going to be managing the cabins anymore. So they will be moving come November. I mentioned the fact that they'll now have to deal with what's left of my stuff until I can come up--some of it can be gotten rid of, but I really need to sort through it first on my own. Mom said not to worry--she doesn't think I really have all that much up there left. Which is true relative to how much stuff my parents have and things. They've got quite a bit on their hands and that move is going to be crazy. What really gets interesting is that my dad is considering going back to the camp full-time which means back to support raising since the camp can't afford to pay him full-time. This means my parents either move into the house they own themselves in town that they have also been renting out to people, or they could even end up moving out to camp. I guess we'll see. Kirk will be back in Lake City probably come December. I don't know what he's doing once he's out of school.

So that's been going on the since Thursday evening. I get another phone call this afternoon while waiting on the guys to recheck out their books from the library. It's my sister. She wants to know when classes start. Ryan is taking a job in Idaho and has to start there mid-August. Karin is due to have baby Sarah in the next four weeks or so and isn't officially out of the Navy until her maternal leave is over. She'll have to go back to work for a week or so after that to check out and things. So they have to put their house on the market and get ready to move. She needs me to come up for a week and half or so at the end of August to help her our though because she'll have a newborn and a toddler on her hands. So now I'm checking out flights and stuff and I'll talk to my bosses about possibly not being able to work those two weeks before classes like I had planned.

Everything else around here has been relatively normal. We've all been having a normally good time and such. I'm glad I haven't gotten anybody sick on my cooking yet. That's one of my worse nightmares. The other night, I was cooking some meat I had never cooked before and I just kind of added glaze type stuff to cook it in. They were these thick slabs of ham and I really try to be cautious about cooking meat long enough. Especially meat that has been given to us for free because Amanda's grandmother shops the sales and gets things like expired meat for cheap. (Hey, meat does keep fairly well in the freezer). Work is the same--more shredding, copying and other random projects. I learn so many interesting things about some people... :-p

Well, I need to go shop up some honeydew melon for the St. Mike's blueberry picking picnic. We're going out tonight which means free food and good fun--plus lots of fresh blueberries! Blueberry pancakes and blueberry muffins, ...

Posted by Anna at July 10, 2004 04:04 PM | TrackBack