July 14, 2005

Ardith's Thursday Night Excitement

Ahhh... I like Thursdays. By this time of the week, I've finished most of the chores which I always fully intend to do on Saturday, and then keep putting off. There's also the added bonus of knowing that tomorrow's Friday, which means a) the weekend's almost here, and b) the weekend's almost here. Both of which are good to know.

I had just finished dinner and had settled down in front of the tv, when I heard sirens going off. Sirens which kept getting closer. Odd, that. This is normally a quiet section of town. But those aren't police sirens, either. And they're right outside my window now.

Being obviously quite curious, I went out on the balcony and looked around. There was a paramedic truck outside, and people in uniforms walking around. And then the firetrucks started pulling up, and I saw the flames on the roof of the building next door.

Which I continued to see, off and on, for at least the next hour. I saw the news reporters here, and I keep waiting for the story to come up on their website. I suppose if it does, I'll have to link it so people can see what the building I don't live in looks like.

Everybody seems to have been alright, which is a good thing, but I'll bet half of the top floor in that building was gutted. At least. And tonight I checked the smoke alarm battery.

Posted by Ardith at July 14, 2005 08:41 PM | TrackBack