August 04, 2004

Green Tomato Pie

For as long as I can remember, we've had green tomato pie for my dad's birthday. His mom used to make it when he was little, and it's sort of become a family tradition. Some of our friends who've bravely tried it said it tastes a little like apple pie. Which it does -- except different. I realized last week that I wasn't going to get any this year unless I made it myself, so I got my mom to send me some green tomatoes.

Of course this would be the time the mail takes a whole week to get here from Iowa. But the package finally arrived, and I pulled the pie out of the oven about 20 minutes ago.

*contented sigh*

I'm soooooo happy...

Posted by Ardith at August 4, 2004 09:43 PM | TrackBack