29 September 2006 - Friday

There's a new edition coming out

You scored as A college textbook. You're an authority on something, you just know it. Everyone else does, too, but that doesn't mean they like you. Since you think very highly of everything you say, you charge a pretty penny to entertain your listeners. Those forced to pay do so grudgingly and try to defray the costs of learning from you by selling portions of their access to your charms to others. As a result of this speedy dissemination of your knowledge, you constantly add to your repertoire--and then hike your price. Despite your usefullness, which is rarely in doubt, nobody likes you. They find you didactic, boring and irrelevant--but still necessary.

A college textbook


A coloring book


A paperback romance novel


The back of a froot loops box


A classic novel


An electronics user's manual




Your Literary Personality
created with QuizFarm.com

Via Jared, who is (appropriately enough) a classic novel.

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