22 January 2006 - Sunday

Call for posts: History Carnival

The next edition of the History Carnival will be hosted right here! I am asking everyone for nominations.

The purpose of the History Carnival is to highlight the best and most interesting history-related posts of bloggers everywhere. Contributors do not have to be professional historians. In fact:

History is an enormous subject, and we hope a wide range of blogs and topics can be represented so that there will always be something familiar and something unexpected for everyone. It must be stressed that it's not just for academics and specialists, that entries certainly don't have to be heavyweight scholarship. But they do have to uphold certain standards of factual accuracy and integrity in the use of sources. All submissions will be vetted by the host, whose decision is final.
I appreciate any nominations you can provide (a fuller list of rules governing inclusion is located at the site linked above). Please email me the URLs of your favorite recent history-related posts, preferably published since 15 January, by the end of this month. (You can also use this online form.) My address is JonathanWilson at symbol letu period edu.

By the way, a great place to look for history blogs is the list maintained by the group blog Cliopatria.

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