28 June 2004 - Monday

Sonnet to National Public Radio

When ignorance my thoughts subdues, and when
The sound and fury of plebeian tongues
O'erwhelm my native tolerance again,
Then do I seek the solace of thy lungs.
I crave the fire of thy stillness and
The passion that comes only to the mild.
I bare my mind to touches of thy hand;
Thy verbal powers lightly drive me wild.
Commercial radio feeds the baser tastes —
For pop, for rap, for boors with loud bombast —
The AM band turns minds to barren wastes
And leaves offended gentler souls aghast.
Then thy sweet voice my frayed nerves soothes once more;
Thou hast the power of silence I adore.
| Posted by Wilson at 22:39 Central | TrackBack
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