January 30, 2003

Blogdom Collective

Oddities seem to be coming out of the woodwork at a freakish rate. After some heat appears to be coming (and we haven't seen much yet, it's mostly still rumors) the Yellow Project has taken a strong step in the direction of keeping some loose control over its membership. The best part is, it's not even censorship... it's more or less just a guide to writing and writing in such a way as to not needlessly offend the community at large while still being thoughtful. I am honestly very impressed and think I want to be a part of this. Even if it does tend towards a tad clique-ish, the leadership behind the project appears to have taken an intelligent stance. Props to Elliot, Dunny, and whomever else is in charge. I'm heading over to submit for linking...

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at January 30, 2003 09:42 AM