January 31, 2003

Chauvinism Revisited

Oddly enough, I keep having these random urges to post at something like 4 in the morning. It could be that I'm just coming back from BS-ing with the guys down at Quad 3 at this hour and I finally can get my mind far enough away from my Engineering to do something creative.

I was thinking today after trying to play devil's advocate in an affirmative action debate that I might be slipping. Bear in mind, this is an affirmative action debate at LeTourneau, so the only real argument is how good the argument is and the relative strength of the rhetoric being used. So, I'm like "damn, these people can't see beyond their own noses... LU myopia strikes again." And in a fit of insight, I decided that the best way to combat this would be with a good strong dose of Chauvinistic rhetoric to stir up the women in the very least.

Sidebar, at one point in time I was a very overt Chauvinist. I don't know if it was the echoes of Junior High, the lack of much female contact, or just my cynical mind striking out at a random target (probably a combination of the three) that lead to my taking up a very Chauvinist standpoint. Now mind you, I'm still anti-feminist and against anything that NOW comes up with, but I think my Chauvinism is seriously starting to slip.

Back to the debate, so I posted a note about how if I was hiring logically superior people and was hiring all men for this very prestigious and profitable position, should I be forced to hire logically inferior women. Now granted, I didn't take a firm enough stance on my Chauvinism and used lots of qualifiers like men are "usually more logical" and women are "usually less able to make mathematical connections" instead of going all-out like I should have, but even so... I almost felt as though an old and familiar part of my being had abandoned me and that my reasoning processes were somehow lesser for it. Even if I only need him for playing the Devil's Advocate and occasionally upsetting people, I need the Chauvinist damnit!

And then a cool sets over me... and I remember that my anti-feminist and Chauvinistic rhetoric aren't so far gone. I DID just bust out my old, why people are stupid and why women are the stupidest people papers and am going over them for a revision. I can feel my skills returning and the angst and cynicism that have too long sat unchannelled, burning for release. Maybe it's just that I'm a tad rusty... and I hope so, because I don't want to be around me when I'm not the Chauvinistic Pig... I wouldn't know this interloper that replaced him.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at January 31, 2003 03:45 AM