February 04, 2003

Infamous Q3 All-Nighter

Now chilling over in Q3 with Shem, Maria, and Stricker. For those of you math majors, note that we are well outside open dorms and Maria's pulling an all-nighter. And this is 2 consecutive all-nighters for the Cynic. Yes, I am miserable... and yet enjoying doing it at the same time.

You will note that security should have seen her... and they did. And hey didn't care. Shem even bothered to point out to security officer that she was in obvious violation of the open dorms policy and the officer just shrugged and wandered along. He didn't care... really didn't. And we sit up and BS and talk into the night, and vent all of this angst. Gotta love that.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at February 4, 2003 05:38 AM