February 11, 2003

On Alarm Clocks...

The Cynic Will Exact Vengeance Upon: Makers of Alarm Clocks

You know the fool things quite well... most of us awaken to their shrill cry at the dawn of every day. They keep us on a cruel schedule and ennable the completion of our sleep-deprived lives. Without them, we would never commit such attrocities against our sleeping habits. I mean, who really wakes up after 5 hours of sleep on their own.

And then the double curse of the malfunctioning alarm clock. This morning I wasn't awakened for my I&M Lab because the thing just didn't go off. I'm thinking it might be getting old and defective, so we're going to do the whole redundant alarm tomorrow... but still. What do you do when the things go wrong? If it wasn't bad enough that you had to be awakened from your sleep to deal with life, now you have to mistrust the thing and set multiple alarms so as to not miss that which you've been forced to deal with. Damn, I hate alarm clocks... and the 8:00 classes they awaken me for. Spartus, your company made mine... and when I go postal against the makers of the alarms, you're going down first.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at February 11, 2003 08:18 AM