May 08, 2003

Here's a Sentimental Drink..

It's funny how at the end of a school year, everyone gets all sad and sentimental. If you read around the various student blogs, the same theme comes across: losing friends sucks. It's even worse when you know they're not coming back. Hopefully most of mine are. And if any of them go eloping or any ridiculous shit like that, I'm going to get my swords.

Here's a drink for those who are no longer of this earth, because they're in a better place.
Here's a drink for those who are with us but aren't because of circumstances that separate.
Here's to those who are only away for a while and will be back before too long
and to those who we may not see again this side of eternity.
And thank God for those He lets us keep with us if only for a while longer.
Because dammnit, we need someone to help us along and support us.

There, that's out of my system... now time for bed.

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at May 8, 2003 01:16 AM