May 11, 2003

I Went to Church!

I went to church today at St. Mike's and I have to say that I was impressed. My background is decidedly Evangelical Free and as such I can't say as I've had any contact at all with Anglicans. In fact, robes and ceremony have always been something that gave me the heeby-jeebies in the past. But today, I went to St. Mike's and was really moved by the liturgy and the service. Dr. Watson preached and his sermon was great and I was really impressed by the service taken from the Book of Common Prayer. I think I'm gonna go back. I guarantee though, it feels a lot better than the whole sleep in Sunday until 2 or 3 pm routine.

Oh, and still no sign of a fire alarm all weekend long... *knocks on wood*

Days Since Last Fire Alarm: 2
Days of Living in a Shitty Dorm: 7
Days Until Summer is Over: 102

Posted by Vengeful Cynic at May 11, 2003 10:16 AM