March 23, 2004

Yes, I am still here.

Which OS are You?


Anyway, my schedule for next semester looks like this . . . provided I get into all these:

M-W-F: History of the English Language with Dr. Watson (senior level English req.) 2:35-3:30

T-R: American Literature I with "Staff" (junior level English req.) 9:30-10:50 (I have discovered that it will probably be taught by Dr. Olson, unless a shiny new professor is hired over the summer)

War & Revolution (1789-1914) with Dr. Kubricht (senior level History el.) 1:30-2:50

Journalism-Publications with Col. Payton (junior level English req.) 3:00-4:20

R: "Honors" World Literature through Film with Dr. Solganick (junior level Literature el.) 6:00-9:00 (yeah . . . that would be PM, duh)

Real post forthcoming soon! I promise! However, I'm going to go clean my room now.

Posted by Jared at March 23, 2004 06:00 PM | TrackBack