August 11, 2004

The Butterfly Effect

Sorry for the post-trip, pre-trip review movie review (that does make sense), but I just finished this movie and I have to say something before I explode with glee.

The Butterfly Effect was simply amazing. I have never seen the concept of time travel handled so smoothly in a movie. I have also never gasped in surprise, shock, or horror as I did with this movie. In other words, I loved it.

Ashton Kutcher did a surprisingly good job as Evan. I was very impressed after only seeing him in a few horrendous comedies before. Amy Smart did an incredible job as the many different Kayleys (Kaylies?). The younger actors also did an incredible job.

The movie does contain some...disturbing scenes in it. Do not begin to watch this one expecting a comedy. The movie does earn its R rating, but it does not earn it through sex or violence. Be prepared.

I will be buying this movie.

Posted by Randy at August 11, 2004 09:17 AM | TrackBack