July 02, 2004

And I'm Off!

At least, I will be very soon.

First, I'll be headed to LA for almost a week for "intense" training. Then, I hop on a plane headed to Beijing. After maybe a day in Beijing, I have a fourteen hour train ride to...somewhere. I don't remember the name. Anyway, after that I have another few hours on a bus before I arrive in Jingzhou.

Technically, I'm taking eight books with me. These books are collected into two volumes, of course. I'm taking the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy set for when I just want to sit somewhere and laugh, and I'm taking the Charles Williams reader for when I'm looking for something a bit more serious. I've wanted to re-read all of that for quite some time now.

E-mail me! I don't know how frequently I will be able to check it, but I would like to hear from some of you. Some of you may be hearing from me. If you want my address and don't have it, ask Martinez for it. If that doesn't work, you know the Cynic won. Try out his suggestions until something goes through. FOLLOW THE CORRESPONDENCE GUIDELINES! I can not stress that enough.

Well, I'll see you when I return on August 9.

Posted by Randy at July 2, 2004 11:06 PM | TrackBack