July 24, 2003


Have you ever just been sitting somewhere doing something inconsequential when you see/hear/think something that causes you to completely re-evaluate a part of your life? Something big enough to cause a certain piece of the great mixed-up puzzle of your mind to fall into place with enough force that it feels like you were just slapped and knocked off your feet?

I just had one of those while watching television. This realization seems to explain the reasoning behind a lot of things that I have done in the past.

If you don't look back at things you have done, I want to suggest to you to try to look at your past actions objectively. You often see things in a new light and may even be looking at yourself with a new pair of eyes. It also can be an entertaining way to spend a few minutes that would otherwise just be a boring waste of time. Of course, I may think that simply because I was almost a psych major.

Posted by Randy at July 24, 2003 12:27 AM