August 06, 2003

Fred Quote

The following quote is from Fred Reed's Fred on Everything. I enjoyed it so much I thought I would share it with all of you.

"I'm gonna break something. It's going to happen. Anything could trigger it. A neutered hamster of a high-school principal is going to complain about the violence inherent in freeze-tag. Or some baffled ditz-bunny in a university will whinny about how Frosty the Snowman symbolizes white patriarchal phallocentric linearity. I'm going to pop, and suffer an access of superhuman strength, and pick up a backhoe, and smack'em into gruel.

And then put on waders and dance in it.

And whoop."

Does that remind anyone of a certain Black Mage?

Posted by Randy at August 6, 2003 12:26 AM