August 14, 2006

Fast Pace

Life is fast and crazy: I'm mostly moved into ND. I'm home for my last consecutive night, and tomorrow morning Sharon leaves for a long while. That stinks.

On the bright side, I have a room, some room-mates who I think are foreign and should be cool, and a really awesome campus and 14 story library.
Apology to Scholl, I never got the computer set up on ND campus. I will IM you when that happens.

Geek Note: Working on Chromaggus

My sister-in-law had labor-times tonight, but I probably shan't be an Uncle Dave for another day or so. Please pray for my brother Enoch and his wife Tiffany.

More updates and pictures should follow when I'm not running all over the county trying to secure meal plans.

Posted by Moore at August 14, 2006 11:28 PM