April 21, 2005

Moore Stuff on the Web

Geocities generally stank, so I'm hosting files on a new site now. So far its great, it even allows you to specify a zip which it uploads and extracts onto the site. Very handy if you're lazy and don't want to rig a FTP client yet want mass upload goodness!
Anyway, fully rotational and very fun to look at Basic Rendering Engine is here. You must rename it as a "zip" file as the site won't let me upload with that extension. Its fun and has many colliding objects and orbits.
The code documentation is also online there, if you want to see a quick shot of what it looks like, look here. This stuff was generated by Doxygen, a tight documentation generater that also does awesome graphs (like the one linked).

Posted by Moore at April 21, 2005 06:55 PM