April 23, 2008

God's working on something in me right now...so pray for a little project I'm thinking of and praying for God's message to come through. I've always been known as someone who has to say something when given the opportunity, and I feel that I might be being asked to do something to help me finish this chapter in my life.

It's hard, because my desire to be great and known has been challenged greatly this past year in my BSF study of Matthew & the Gospels. I cannot let the motivation of my heart to be a "5-talent servant" so that I'll have earthly glory, but so that God gets the glory and attention. It'll be an ongoing battle as I'm beginning to understand how much of my "love language" is affirmation--I like to be noticed; I want to be heard. Although I'm not sure how well I speak this language to others, it's very much what I hear. So when I do something that will draw attention to me, I don't want to be worried about what people will think of me but what people will hear from God through me.

So very minute amidst in God's great "world-wide web" of His Spirit.

Posted by Anna at April 23, 2008 08:09 PM | TrackBack