January 09, 2007


I got a new computer at school today!

It takes up less space! (flat panel monitor!!...maybe 17 in even...hmm.)

WINDOWS XP!! >>>> Windows 98

it even has a DVD-CD-R drive!!!! (no more copying of c.d.s at home...)

I haven't fully investigated the niceties of it yet, but i appreciate a new keyboard, mouse (not optical) and mousepad too. The printer still sucks, but hey, I can always print in the computer lab for that.

The math teachers are looking forward to a brighter future of using the programs that we are being given.

All I need now is to copy the one thing they missed in the imaging of my old HD...my personal email folders (organized emails) that aren't on the server but the HD.

Posted by Anna at January 9, 2007 10:00 PM | TrackBack