April 19, 2005

on Friends

so I was sitting here earlier and realizing how much I missed some of my girly friends, like Lily--who I see every day but not very much and it's in the morning, and Lindsay and Sunny and Jenny. Girls I could drop on anytime (and still could) to talk and I could share anything with. I use to have them live real close and we used to be not so tied down with work and husbands/fiance'/boyfriend and such and thus had many a fun moment. I still get to see them occasionally for which I am grateful, but oh so soon....

and I was also sitting here realizing how many things about them that I've never thanked them for--such as modeling good character in different ways. There are things about them that would drive me up the wall, but hey, don't we all have such quirks that annoy someone or another? we worked through the annoyances as we needed. and we were/are there for each other when needed. But more than that, i can trust them and I have never heard them betray another or make fun of someone else. We have all shared some not so nice things about other people in venting, but they didn't poke fun at a person and they rarely called names. They accepted differences and strangeness.

so Thank you my girly friends. I hope to thank you in person very soon. *blows kiss* *HUUUUG* and Thank you for the late nights and walks, early morning coffee, and shared lives.

and a thank you too too my Smashley, also known as "Stretch" who, while I haven't been able to enjoy as many fun moments over the last few years, has been a great friend and still is and will be for many years. She helped keep things "good" but still fun and was ready to help along a workable crazy plan.
;-) I have many many memories to treasure and I hope we still have many more to make! (Awana sandbags....balloons and noses..."hi lady" notes...)

Posted by Anna at April 19, 2005 11:28 PM | TrackBack