April 09, 2005

don't know where to start

I've got a lot going on in my head right now. Seems like quite a bit has happened in the last week to make me think about myself and my friends and relationships.

Right now, I'm going to focus on one thing in this post--the LU Community.

I witnessed two stark contrasts of respect of family in the LU community. I was quite angry when the group of guys started yelling "Turn the Stage" in the middle of an act! It was rude and unreasonable and very disrespectful.

LU lost a member today. Nancy was a student last semester although she did transfer, but her father works at LU. Nancy died this morning. I remember Nancy because she sang in two fund-raiser talent shows associated with Loving From God's Heart. All who I talked to who knew her or even had momentary associations with her remember her as bright and full of God's love.

We remember in prayers and thoughts, and respect her memory tonight. and yet we had a few also who disrespected two other members of the Christian body. I know it really happens in every family. and I'm still angry.

I wanted to put my thoughts into a letter to the editor, and had I paper to write with earlier I could have done it. I'm not sure that I could get thoughts into a good letter form right now.

and it was quite strange to sit there and realize this was my last Hootenanny to attend as a student. I experienced quite a bit of affection for the school as I sat there tonight and watched many great talents display artistry and ingenuity. As many things that I want to get away from related to LU, there will be a lot I miss, but mostly, I'm going to miss my friends.

May I appreciate every spare moment of time I get with them in the next month.

Posted by Anna at April 9, 2005 12:38 AM | TrackBack