January 16, 2005

4 days down or 1 week down

Well. I probably learned quite a bit this last week. Not much in classes compared to the rest of life. Here are some of the things I've learned:

*next time I have a secret picture-taking, keeo the camera with me afterward
*(looking for right phrasing about last left behind book..., just know that it wasn't good. Don't read it like you don't watch Napoleon Dynamite)
*I really can stay calm in times of high stress and it doesn't cause heart problems
*I still seem to be sick...but then, the headaches have gone away. Just not general weakness and coughing...
*I like having long, thick blankets when in the ice cave.
*Hot shower is good for sore back
*IHOP overcharges on their orange juice
*bridal shower games horror stories from heather. don't ask.
*we keep repeating a lot of stuff we've learned in other education classes...
*weddings are expensive
*God is good. Over and over again even as I don't deserve it.

Posted by Anna at January 16, 2005 12:37 PM | TrackBack