January 12, 2005


For those of who happened to be around tonight when I angrily announced my intentions to leave the qualifiying exam tomorrow for chapel whether or not I was done, I apologize for my anger. It's a matter that deserves more respect than I gave it. Forgive my irritation towards our education department.

For those of you who are confused:
We education majors who are getting ready to test for certification have to take a qualifying exam with the school first. This exam is scheduled for tomorrow morning starting at 8:30. It's 80 questions and we can leave when we are done. It took me three hours to do the math exam and this one requires more reading and not necessarily more thinking, but it does require more thought. Anyways.... Tomorrow is Arthur's memorial chapel service. While I was only acquainted with Arthur, I have gotten to know Grace through numerous classes with her. Grace is Hector (Arthur's brother) new wife and I know they had to be close.

From my perspective, attending tomorrow's chapel is important to me as a measure of respect for Grace and Tanya, to remember with them someone whom they have lost. I know Arthur made an impact on many people here and was well-respected by those who worked with him.

At any rate, while I have been beating myself for hypocritical actions the last few days--such as saying more than I had a right too regarding more specific details surrounding the accident, I recognize that I must apologize and continue to ask for prayer for Tanya, Grace, Hector, and their families, as well as Arthur's friends. That is the more important action.

Posted by Anna at January 12, 2005 12:02 AM | TrackBack