August 20, 2004



The morning went relatively well. Caedin let me make breakfast for him w hile Karin tried to sleep a bit. We played a little bit and he got his blanket back from school. He liked to watch the people run during some of the track events in the Olympics. We attempted to be artistic. We had lunch.

And than it was naptime.


Yeah. I tried first. We read some books; he seemed to be settling down a bit. Karin tried. I tried again. We played and read a few more books. The tricksy little boy kept making me think he was going to lay down and than saw something new to keep him from doing so...behind his bed. He even laid all his stuffed animals down with the blanket and pillow. But no, not Caedin himself. Finally, I was tired of the game wanting a nap myself, so it was time to make him stay in his room by himself and cry himself to sleep if he so chose. I had to hold the door closed. He wanted us to hold we hold Sarah. *sigh*

Half an hour later the crying subsided and he was out. There was of course still things to do though...clean up....Sarah needed a little attention here and there....He woke up all too soon in about an hour or so. And was still cranky. For the next hour. Karin and I were ready to pull hair out. He's also difficult because he likes to show Sarah affection but he's still fairly rough and fast...nearly hits her and such sometimes because he moves fast around her. He settled down into a happy mood after we went up to go get some corn for dinner and he ate his enchiladas. Karin wasn't pleased that I was eating "treat" food in front of him while he ate said dinner...but I needed food while the brisket was in the oven. At least we managed to eat something ourselves. It was rather good.

and Caedin and I played some more...I kept hoping he was tiring himself out so the process wouldn't repeat with bedtime. We went on a walk in the nice evening through sunset. It's been nice up here since I've come. I hope it's nice when I leave too. *back on track*

and we watched the moon for a little awhile and it was time for bed. I left it all to Karin. She is his mother after all. yeah, it wanted to be as bad as at naptime. He kept coming out crying...she sent him back...and again and again....Sarah was getting hungry....

and now he is asleep. Only took fifteen minutes this time. Kids. you gotta love 'em. He is so cute though....This hasn't been the first time for me though. Once upon a time ago I was helping someone out with their toddler and he pulled the same trick...but he cried longer.

So now it is finally quiet. and in an hour or so I'll go to bed myself. only to be woken up again by the wonderful little booger nephew of mine.

Posted by Anna at August 20, 2004 09:39 PM | TrackBack