May 06, 2004

so it's done.

so yeah, everyone else is putting up "last posts" of the school year like stuff. but anyways. so many of you talk about this being the end of your first year of college...for me, it's an entering the last year of my college career. In one year, I will be a certified teacher and walk across the stage to receive a diploma. (there is of course the chance that God might intervene at some point, but the theoretical plan is that I graduate next year.)

this was the hardest two weeks I've had out of all my semesters here. so much work. so many pages that I have written. and the thought that i really need to quit "procrastinating" on papers because i keep losing points only for a few sentence structure errors, typos and stuff. *sigh* curses on making mistakes when correcting old ones.

so i'm exhausted. i feel like i have been beaten to a pulp--including my head. so other than a doctors appointment and taking care of a lot of stuff like returning books to the library, paying bills, depositing a check, filling out insurance forms and stuff--i can rest for the next week or so. mmmm. sleep......

Posted by Anna at May 6, 2004 01:08 PM | TrackBack