February 28, 2004


I tell myself that I am blessed to not find myself stereotyping people based on their past or characteristics. But then, I think I have done that a few times with stuff like engineers, fuzzy people, computer geeks, and guys only to find my stereotypes proved wrong about fifty percent of the time.

But anyway. I really hate stereotypes and the habit of humans to profile someone based on their past or unique traits given by God. There are the amusing times--such as my being assumed ignorant or a ditz because I'm a female and/or blonde. But I've seen cases where people begin to judge another based on elements of their past--mistakes, circumstances, whatever.

I grant that there is a validity in being wary of "the what if's" based on something about a person. There are common threads with people of certain characteristics. But, I happen to be one who believes in the best of people. I know that they are fallen human beings, but I also believe that they can and have good in them. What drives me up the wall even more is when people profile other Christians. I guess it seems to me as if there is a lack of faith in God's redemptive work. I do realize that people aren't made completely perfect at the moment they accept Christ, but I also believe that people do change little by little and that we should watch for that change rather than watch for their mistakes. Trust God with the "what ifs" and "this could happens".

I'm not sure where the line falls when it comes to trusting people. I know we should trust God first and foremost, but trust is an element in relationships between people too. Does God use trust between humans to help bring about change?

With mistakes: God wipes the slate clean of eternal consequences but it does seem that earthly consequences continue. This is all so confusing and so many things run together in my head.


*reminds self to use this as a Doctrines journal entry*

Posted by Anna at February 28, 2004 05:01 PM