February 28, 2004

On the Conference

Well. It wasn't horrible I will say. The latter half was much better than the morning for sure.

The theme of the conference was ethics in relativistic world.

After a nice little breakfast and two couple o coffeeThe first guy was a engineer/businessman and he gave a presentation I would expect to hear at a business chapel. Although there was some relevance, there wasn't much for me. I feel asleep since I had only had about six and a half hours of sleep. But I got some interesting things down. I'd wished I had had one of the crew to sit there with during a few moments of disagreement and frustration. And oh yeah, we had this father of a previewer who made some comments that were...interesting. Such as a comment on his brother who belives that money and power are corrupt and that missionaries also believe this fact. I turned to Trina and we were both very horribly stricken by this statement. Another element was one of the principles of the Christian employee: Count one's superiors worthy of honor in your thought, word, and deed. Respect yes. Honor, that is earned in my book. Although I do need to do some more pondering on the commandment to "Honor thy father and mother" and those parents were are quite unperfect and unparentlike. Anyways, finally we got out of that and were supposed to break out into groups to discuss "What? and So what?" but we stared out the window toward the construction of the parking lot and talked about other things until it was time for lunch. Saga catered lunch. Blah. Firecracker wrap things with olives, black beans, and unhealthy looking lettuce and tomato. But the chicken inside was good. And the apple pie was good.

After lunch we had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Kesler again. And although it wasn't as funny as chapel, it was just as good and I'm hoping that there is a recorded message somewhere because I can't take down quotes fast enough sometimes.

After a bit of break to my room for some socks and something warmer to wear in the cold MSC-3, I went back for another hour, this with Rosemary Farmer wife of Richard Allen Farmer who spoke at a chapel last semester. She did a good job too. It was a good discussion at how to go at moral dilemmas and also leaving behind a legacy idea.

And now, after some cheese and crackers, I'm back here at my room contemplating that I should get something done so as to expand my study time tomorrow for the three midterms I have Monday and Tuesday. And I'm thinking that a brief nap might be nice too.

Posted by Anna at February 28, 2004 04:09 PM