February 16, 2004

predestination & free will

I'm halfway through reading an argument for Arminianism and I figured that I should write out my own thoughts regarding the topic of controversy.

I fall in the "middle ground" between Calvin and Arminius but probably have slightly more Arminian tendencies. This is how I see it:

God is the creator or the earth and all mankind. God crafted the heart of each and every person and I believe that he created into every heart a desire for him to fill that missing hole from the fall--Plumb has a song called "God-Shaped Hole" that reflects this idea well. God created into humans free will and a longing for Himself. He crafts the consequences to the choices that we'll make and he knows how we will choose. He has provided a way unto Himself and we choose whether or not we will follow that Way. He encourages and draws us, but some people ignore, reject, or miss it.

And it works well for me--but than I start to think about those who have never heard the gospel and I wonder what makes one person different from another. I just don't know. But God does. and somehow it all works together.

Posted by Anna at February 16, 2004 02:01 PM