February 11, 2004

Fallacies from Childhood

One thing that keeps striking at me is how people teach various things to children that aren't true. George Washington didn't really cut down a cherry tree. The things taught to us in Sunday School may not be right and/or agreed with by other well-educated and strong Christians. and the one I am pondering most right now: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." That's such a lie. Words hurt and can strike deep. Words are a powerful weapon and even when something is said with one frame of meaning, they can strike a chord inside a person and open up an old wound. (or maybe fresh) No, we shouldn't teach children that words don't hurt but maybe we better help them along the journey of learning how to deal with the hurt individually--how to lean upon God and cry out to him, how to forgive and let go (although we'll never forget), how to know it isn't wrong to cry and feel hurt by what others call us or say to us; teach children how to take these example and be stronger, to teach them the importance of using words carefully and understanding that what they may say to other children may hurt them. We can't shelter our children from the world of hurt but we can teach them how to fight and how to think on their own.

Something else: Forgiveness doesn't mean immediate healing.

Posted by Anna at February 11, 2004 12:52 AM