May 03, 2004


So, theoretically, I'm supposed to be taking eight hours of finals today. Something seems wrong about this. But, having already had two of them, I think I can safely say I won't be too burned out by it all. Data Structures took maybe 40 minutes, Bib Lit around 70. Diff EQ shouldn't be too much longer, if any, and Comp II will be an exercise in speed writing for two hours. Naturally, that wouldn't be in response to an essay or four, but rather in response to approximately 8385609834 fill-in-the-blanks. Or something like that.

I'll try to put something up later this evening, but you may have to wait until tomorrow. Or later. Like next week.

But now, I am expected at SAGA. As Wheeler says, "That sucks."

Posted by Gallagher at May 3, 2004 10:57 AM