March 30, 2004

So, long time, no see...

So we're working on our research paper for English, which is going to be the second writing assignment of the semester. Now, normally this would be a good thing, you know, composing in a composition class, but of course it can't be that simple. Batts has to lead us by the hand through the steps of writing the thing, from choosing a topic to "discovering the library" to taking notes. So here we have the first problem. We're supposed to take our notes on 4x6 cards, which have plenty of room on them for plenty of information. We're supposed to have 40 of these. There is no way on Earth that I can take 40 of those cards and turn them into an 8-10 page paper. A 20-25 page paper, sure, but that would be worse on so many levels. Thus, problem one is the sheer volume of "notes" we're supposed to take for a paper this short. Problem the second: it's such a waste of time. There is no point in copying down quotes from books onto cards when it would be much easier to simply check the book out and have it at hand when I'm writing the paper.

But enough of that. On to my day in English. Last night, when I was doing my "research" in the library, I got quite sick of it and decided not to work any more that night. Which was all well and good. In fact, I had a wonderful time sitting around Ardith's laptop with Martinez and Sharpton browsing through this semester's "speach" forums. (Sorry, Martinez. Never at Reft.) This was all nice and relaxing. However, I neglected to do the other homework I had for English today, namely critiquing a speech and conducting an interview as part of my research. Fortunately, we had to go over the speech critiques in class, so while Charissa was talking, I recalled and critiqued last Wednesday evening's chapel. I went over that next, and no one was the wiser. Then, we had to tell Batts what went well and what could have been improved in our interviews. Well, having not done an interview, I wrote that I had emailed Anna's roommate, Lily, as she's doing a history of math presentation on Newton. Everything went fine.

I'm considering not doing any homework for that class (outside of the paper), because it's really not worth it. The only things keeping me going are my GPA, my general care of doing well, and the leverage I may gain by having a good grade and still hating the class when I talk to HNRS higher-ups about the class. If I get a C in the class, they could just say that I'm bitter about my grade, but if I get an A, they may actually have to deal with it. Anything that gets me more leverage is a good thing.

Alright, time to watch The Graduate.

Posted by Gallagher at March 30, 2004 12:42 PM