July 01, 2006

Busy Evening

I spent all evening after I got home from work reading Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld, taking a break to go see Superman Returns, and finishing Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld.

Yes, I read the entire thing, not just the summary of the opinion at the beginning.

This makes me either a) incredibly intelligent, or b) a total dork. Most likely the latter.

Just for the record, I was slightly unaware of how much sniping goes on in SCOTUS opinions and dissents. That was definitely entertaining.

I'm also fully aware of why I'm not a lawyer. Too much fiddling around with meanings of words (for example, one discussion revolves around the meaning of "international."). That annoys my sense of logic after awhile.

In the end, I think I'm willing to say that the majority opinion makes sense. And that Justice Thomas' constant argument of deferring to the discernment of the President got a bit disturbing after awhile. And also that the majority opinion seemed to be the easiest to read. I'm not exactly sure why; possibly a heavier use of quotes.

More later, maybe. It's bedtime now.

Posted by Ardith at July 1, 2006 01:11 AM | TrackBack