February 07, 2005

My Busy Weekend

My mother is threatening to make up stories about my interviews this past weekend. This forces me to head her off at the pass and actually post about them myself.

I feel so manipulated.

The Weekend In Which Ardith Talked A Lot

The plane left Longview at about 5. 4.5 hours later, I arrived in Cedar Rapids, IA, picked up my rental car, and checked into my hotel room. This involved several nice things.

1) I got to drive a 2005 LeSabre.
2) By hotel room, I really mean hotel suite. Complete with dishwasher and full-size fridge.

I then wandered over to Walmart to find microwaveable food and a nice-looking portfolio to carry around with me the next day. I returned to the hotel to iron my clothes and spend a good hour doing nothing but watching the Sci-Fi channel in bed.

The worst part of this day was getting up at 6AM. In order to make myself feel better, or at least more awake, I made some coffee and managed to choke down a whole cup. It worked, though. I was actually awake all day long. Then I headed off to breakfast at the Mariott and a meeting with what they termed the "Rockwell Collins Ambassador." She gave us information about employee benefits and various Cedar Rapids attractions. And then it was on to the main facility and three interviews in a row.

Having talked a lot, and got very thirsty, it was time for lunch. Which today meant lunch at a pretty nice Italian resturant. I was very happy about this part of the day.

Then back to Rockwell, and time for a short tour of a few of the labs. This was loads of fun. I got to see some of the cockpit hardware/software they put in 767's. It's really, really amazing what they run on those 386's.

After this, it was down to the government side of the company for another two hours of interviews there. After those were done, I was more than ready to get back to the hotel and crash for a couple of hours.

My family came down to Cedar Rapids that evening and we all went to Pizza Hut. This is when my dad asked me nearly as many questions as all the interviewers put together. Then we all went back to the hotel so the kids could see it and be appropriately jealous.

When they left, I was very thirsty and drank a lot of water.

One more interview on this morning. Then it was back to the airport, and another 3.5 hours in the air/waiting at the terminal until I got back.

And that was my weekend. All in all, it was a lot of fun, and not quite as stressful as I had anticipated. The End.

Posted by Ardith at February 7, 2005 12:08 AM | TrackBack