January 06, 2005

It's Snowing Outside

Or at least I think it's snowing outside. I'd give you all a report on the drift height, but the odd thing about it being dark is that you can't see. Something to do with the lack of light. But if we imagine there's lots of snow on the ground, we're probably right. In fact, we could probably safely imagine that we're snowed in right about now.

See, this is supposed to be our "once-in-a-decade" storm. Or something. I'm predicting the roads will be drifted shut for quite a while tomorrow.

Luckily, I don't have to go anywhere. XD

Last night we finished the last bit of our grand movie-watching experiment. We were trying to see if we could watch all three LOTR Extended Edition releases, the three original Star Wars DVDs, and all of Pride and Predjudice in one Christmas Break. I am pleased to report that the experiment was completed successfully. We also managed to fit in Fiddler on the Roof. I was quite pleased.

On Monday, Sharon and I had eyedoctor appointments. So we drug Kendra along and turned it into a long shopping day. I got a few clothes, and lots of books.

About 15-20 used books, actually. All for $3 or less. Mostly less. Again, I was quite pleased.

And since people are probably wondering by now, I'm starting back to school on Saturday. Spend the night in Tulsa with my aunt, and that puts me back on campus sometime Sunday; late morning or early afternoonish. Depends on when I get out of bed. And then it's back to the old grind, for the last semester of my college career.

That's scary.

Posted by Ardith at January 6, 2005 12:43 AM | TrackBack