September 05, 2004

School Begins Again

Busy week. I've been to almost all my classes at least once, so I now know sort of what they're going to be like:

Intro to Microprocessors - Lots of work. Probably a lot of fun, but lots of work nonetheless. Low-level interfacing with Motorola processors.

Numerical Analysis - Hah. Another math class. Could be fun, though. I'll know more about that in a week or so.

Software Engineering - This class is going to take over my life. I can see the headlines now: "Female College Student Found In Large Pile of Programming Project Documentation: Death By Asphyxiation Successfully Averted." My group's project is part of one of the regular engineering Senior Projects, so the pressure to actually produce something useful is going to be there. At the same time, we're mostly starting from scratch, so the likelihood of getting past the design stage is very, very small. Especially since it involves image processing and recognition from a camera mounted on a helicopter.

Electronics Lab - Yeah, this is the class I dropped last year. Because I had 18 hours then. Now I only have 16, so the workload should be more feasible.

World Literature through Film - This one will be loads of fun. We get to watch a lot of movies, and read a lot. And there's really only one major project.

Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament - Also loads of fun, and since it's a one-hour class, shouldn't be too much work, either.

I haven't decided whether to run screaming off into the night, or to be happy about the schedule. Time will tell.

In Other News, I went to the STOMP, the big beginning-of-school-student-organization bash. And I climbed at 32' climbing wall. I was quite proud of myself. It was a lot of fun, and definitely something I need to do more often.


Except that school has started, and I have no time. I won't even be able to get to the library when I want to.

Oh, well. Life goes on.

Posted by Ardith at September 5, 2004 06:37 PM | TrackBack