February 10, 2004

Thoughts from Speech Class

Why is it that everyone in here is so serious? Honestly, people, lighten up!

Today was the continuation of impromptu speech day. Impromptu speech day is where Mr. Payton have everyone write at least two topics on an index card, takes them all back, mixes them up, and starts calling people up one at a time. You pick a random card, which can't be yours, and then proceed to pick one of the topics and start talking about it.

Due to strange events occurring, such as the end of the class period last Thursday, I was the first one up to give my impromptu speech today. So, I walk up, still full of the good mood brought about by my extra hour of sleep on Tues-Thurs mornings, and pick a card at random.


Immorality in America

I don't remember the other one, but it was similar.

Being myself, I obviously segue fairly quickly to talking about SCO and the MyDoom virus. But this was only because there was little or no opportunity for humor.


And my topics were so good, too. Chalkboards vs. Whiteboards, and why computers will eventually rule the earth.

Obviously, the person who picked my card started comparing whiteboards and blackboards.

I just can't win. Ever.

Posted by Ardith at February 10, 2004 04:34 PM | TrackBack