April 15, 2003

Reasons why today has been

Reasons why today has been good to me so far:

1. My Historiography paper is done and turned in. I can now proceed to find the floor under the pile of printed-out sources, and clean out my bookmark menu.
2. I went to bed at 10:30 last night.
3. I've decided not to do the I&M homework that's due today.
4. I found an interesting new blog, The Adventures of AccordianGuy in the 21st Century. I'd recommend the story about New Girl, even if it will give some people new ammunition.
5. And that led to ESR's blog, which led to this one. If only I could spend all day with this...
6. I went in to register for next semester, and there was no line. Nada. If *that* doesn't make for a good day, I don't know what does.
7. Something I posted here today showed up instantly on my site. Unlike the usual 6-8 hour wait.

Hmmm... not to ten yet. The day's only half over, though. I'll have to add things if the afternoon lives up to the morning's promise.

Posted by Ardith at April 15, 2003 11:22 AM