December 30, 2003

In Which Ardith Explores a Webserver

I am a total geek. There is no hope.

Today, I slept in about an hour longer than usual. This is because I stayed up until 1:45 downloading a SSH telnet client the night before.

Of course, then I had to try it out, so I spent another 15 minutes perusing log files on this web server I have access to.

This morning, I rolled out of bed, took a shower, got online, and looked around aforementioned server some more. It's been having troubles lately, so I wanted to find out what was wrong. I fixed a couple of minor things, couldn't get another problem to show up, and read all my daily webcomics.

Later on, I made a joke which involved electrical tape. On an online forum, of course.

It's probably a good thing I'm going to pick Heather up at the airport

Posted by Ardith at December 30, 2003 12:16 AM